We're your trusted partner helping you set up your DPC/Concierge practice or private practice. We'll show you the path to practice ownership without the pitfalls so you an focus on taking care of your patients.

Kick Start Launch Plan
You take the lead and build your own practice with the help of our kit:
An advisor consult.
Detailed road map.
4-6 month task list.
Insider tips.
Hot button topics.
Tools, resources and templates.
Your opening day is only months away!

*Most Popular*
Kick Start Launch Plan +
1:1 Advisory Sessions
All of the goods included in the Kick Start Launch+ 1 on 1 advisory sessions
Team up with an advisor to walk you through your customized task list.
You'll gain support and consistent feedback during the process.
Bonus items: Pro forma, HR tools
customized forms and templates.
We'll be by your side week to week to help you launch your dream practice!

Maintenance After Launch
& Growth Plan Road Map
Your practice is open! Congrats!
What happens next?
Keep us on as an advisor for ongoing maintenance.
We'll address operational questions.
Conduct quarterly meetups
Update and advise on next steps to growth and compliance.
We'll help build a road map to meet your patient's needs as your practice evolves.
Let's thrive!